André Barnett | Seven of Nine “Star Trek: Voyager”

“I grew up with the original Star Trek series, and I was, at first, a little leery of the later series. But, my daughter Christa was a big fan of “The Next Generation” and “Voyager” and we watched them together, and doing so helped me to appreciate the actors, writing, and character development of these new shows. The Seven of Nine character of course was visually stunning and brought with her the drama of the Borg back story, but at the same time, the writing and character development explored the meaning of being human as the Seven of Nine character attempted to regain back her humanity. It was a storyline that was compelling to me and is why I chose to illustrate this female character.”

— André Barnett

André’s Bio:


Graduate of American University in Washington, DC with a BA in painting. Professionally worked as a graphic artist at Morgan State University in Baltimore, MD, until retirement in 2019. It was only in 2018 that Mr. Barnett discovered the world of “Alternative Posters”. He was attracted to the fun of choosing a favorite movie or TV show, and turning it into a passion project to illustrate into a poster. Mr. Barnett is a vector artist and his primary tools consist of an iPad, iMac and a Wacom tablet using Adobe software limited to Fresco and Illustrator.
Presently lives in Washington, DC with wife Linda and their dog Tessa.

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