Ella McPherson | Beverly Crusher “Star Trek: The Next Generation”
“I love Dr. Crusher for a lot of reasons. She absolutely stands her ground no matter who or what opposes her, but she’s also incredibly kind, gentle, selfless, and compassionate. I really admire her for her abilities as a doctor and her obstinacy against the hands of death, but especially for her strength as a mother. It can’t have been easy to do it all, but she raised her son well, continued on to be an even better doctor than before, and refused to hold a grudge or let her outlook on life be ruined by her past tragedies. And I suppose, most superficially, I really love her red hair, too!”
— Ella McPherson
Ella’s Bio:
Hi! My name is Ella McPherson (a.k.a. “Rusty”) and I do art. I’m 19 years old and I’ve been drawing since I could hold a pencil. I really love outer space and the sea, and I might possibly have a fiction addiction.