LeeDrawsStuff | Yeoman Janice Rand “Star Trek”

“It is such a shame that she didn't get more appearances in the original series and the circumstances of her departure are exceptionally sad and disappointing.
It was always a pleasure to catch up with the character throughout her brief appearances in the films; her Star Trek III scene is still one of my favourites.
I've chosen to capture her in an off-camera scene depicting her resourcefulness under pressure. I love the imagery of her down in the galley with alarms going off, power redirected and tension so thick you can carve it, thinking about how she can support the team.
Hot coffee!
Commonplace in every day running of a starship but luxury when facing an unknown enemy of unimaginable power. Rand grabs a hand phaser, heats a pot of coffee and delivers it to the bridge crew.
She embodies the crew of the Enterprise through her contribution to the bigger picture. A cup of hot coffee may seem trivial (not to coffee drinkers) but it's a small part of a crew all doing their little part well that enables the Captain to do his job.
Besides which, it's fun to imagine the TOS era galley and draw her firing a phaser on a coffee pot. ”
— LeeDrawsStuff
Lee’s Bio:
|’m just a guy who likes to scribble stuff that he enjoys. More often than not that stuff comes from a franchise that has the word “Star” in it, be it Trek, Wars or Gate! I specialise in simple but hopefully whimsical ink and watercolour drawings. I’ve completed several year long drawing challenges and I am currently working my way through a character from every episode of Star Trek.
I feel that drawing is a universal expression that anyone no matter the level of experience or skill can do and I encourage everyone to give it a try without concern of the outcome.
I live in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia with my patient and loving wife, plus two impatient cats.