Steffi Hochriegl | Sylvia Tilly “Star Trek: Discovery”

“I chose Sylvia Tilly, because like many other people, I‘ve indentified with her right from the start. She feels authentic in her journey to overcome fears and bringing out her natural qualities like leadership. She started as this weird, giggly, nervous ensign but she has always risen up and lived up to the tasks ahead. She understands that nobody is without fear, but true strength lies in facing vulnerability and working through the fear. She has a strength within and the show lets us witness her trying to access that - and still not pretending to be something that she‘s not. Her caring, curious nature is what makes her unique and that‘s what Discovery does so beautifully in general: Celebrating uniqueness.”
— Steffi Hochriegl
Steffi’s Bio:
My name‘s Steffi Hochriegl, I‘m a selftaught artist from Germany. I‘ve been drawing since childhood and used to do lots of Manga and Anime stuff until somebody asked me to do a pencil portrait of them. As a teenager, I‘ve earned some money with that and I moved on to work with coloured pencils. That went on for many year until about two years ago, I got my first iPad and went full on digital. I would love to work and earn money with my talent somehow, but so far nothing has come up yet. I enjoy drawing for our Trekkie fandom though and sometimes other nerdy things. Joy and fun should be the main goal and motivation for every artist anyway.