Zoe Panageas | Kathryn Janeway “Star Trek: Voyager”

“Star Trek has always been a constant presence in my life. However, the universe would have it that I'd watch Voyager during a time when I needed that presence more than ever. More specifically, it came in the form of a powerbun and, "coffee, black."
Captain Janeway was the master of resilience when facing off against a worst case scenario (and scenarios, as far as the show's seven season run was concerned). She maintained poise, courage, and fight even as the walls literally crumbled around her. And this commanded not only the utmost respect, but an unmatched fondness and devotion from her crew through the beginning to end of their perilous journey.
I had never seen anything like it.
But more importantly, I had never seen anything like it in a female character. And so to my teenage self, for the first time I had permission to be like that too. If Janeway could fight, I could fight. If Janeway could cry, I could cry. And if she could get her crew home, I could certainly make it through this time in my life.”
— Zoe Panageas
Zoe’s Bio:
Zoë is about to graduate from The School of Visual Arts after studying for her BFA in 2D animation. Her true passion lies in storyboarding and storytelling as she works with a variety of mediums and programs to study her craft. She loves sci-fi, nineties sitcoms and her dog Miss Minnie.